
Currently, classes are being scheduled on an as needed basis. Please go to the contact page and let us know what classes you are interested in and we will get back to you with our current schedule.

Self Defense Firearms Basics

This class is designed to introduce new shooters to the realm of firearms and the defensive use of lethal force. This class does not include a live fire session.

Topics that are covered are:

  • Safety when using and storing a firearm.

  • Basic operation of various firearms.

  • Ammunition types.

  • Choosing your first firearm.

  • The pros and cons of various firearms.

  • Clearing various firearms.

  • What to do when your firearm doesn’t work.

The Legal Use of Force

In this class, we cover some of the legal aspects of the use of deadly force in a self defense encounter. This class is based on classroom teaching and can be combined with other courses.

Topics include:

  • What is the Reasonable Person test?

  • The Use-of-Force continuum.

  • How will a prosecutor evaluate my case?

  • Defense in your home

  • Defense of property

Defensive Shooting Fundamentals

This class incorporates various skill sets that you will need when faced with a self defense situation that would require the use of your firearm. This class includes a live fire practice session.

Topics that are covered include:

  • Defensive shooting vs Marksmanship.

  • What is “Muscle Memory”?

  • Proper grip and stance.

  • Instinct or point shooting.

  • Trigger control.

  • Presentation from concealment.

Nebraska Concealed Handgun Permit course

Earn you CHP for the state of Nebraska. We will cover all the requirements for obtaining your CHP and cover additional modules that will help you to be a well informed protector while carrying a firearm. This class is includes both classroom learning and a live fire qualification.

Classroom Topics include:

  • Ways to avoid a criminal attack and to defuse or control a violent confrontation

  • Operation and safe handling of a handgun.

  • Proper storage practices for handguns and ammunition, including storage practices which would reduce the possibility of accidental injury to a child.

  • Safe handgun shooting fundamentals

  • Federal, State, and local laws pertaining to the use of a handgun including, but not limited to: use of a handgun for self defense, laws relating to justifiable homicide and the various degrees of assault.

Live fire qualification will consist of a passing score of 70% firing from 3,9,15, and 21 feet. All live fire will be from a concealed holster.

Emergency First Aid Fundamentals course

Be ready for an emergency medical situation through this course. We will combine classroom lecture with hands on exercises to assist you in your preparedness journey.

Coursework and exercises include:

·         Patient Assessment and Scene Safety

·         Traumatic Emergencies

·         Medical and Environmental Emergencies

·         Building your own Emergency First Aid Kit


Hands on exercise will include:

·         Torniquet selection and use

·         Wound packing and wound dressing

·         Hands only CPR

·         Splinting an injury

·         The basic components of an Emergency First Aid kit.